Make America Great Again by Frank Turner (2018)

What does this song respond to?

  • This song is in response to Trump’s Presidential election campaigns

What does this song offer? / What concerns do I have for it?

  • The song offers… 
    • The song is in protest to the slogan “make America great again” 
    • It is taking this saying and putting a new meaning to it
    • The new meaning is defined by the artist throughout this song in ways such as ending racism and being more compassionate to one another – this and other ways is how Frank is saying America will actually be “great”
    • Being a part of Frank’s “Be More Kind” album he is making a stance with this album release as a whole that society needs to be more kind – that people need to be more mindful of the treatment of others 
  • Concerns… 
    • I am not sure if Frank is a U.S. citizen or not – If not does this song still hold weight for Americans? Would Americans find this advice credible?

Response to Music

  • “Route 66” vibes in the beginning
  • good consistent beat
  • strong use of guitar
  • repetitive beat/cords with some intrigue in use of guitar
  • music that is easy to dance to
  • about halfway through the song the music, lyrics end and there is a focus on piano sounds that are very happy sounding 
  • Piano sounds add to the rest of the repetitive beat for rest of song 
  • Fade out with guitar to end the of song 

Response to Lyrics 

  • Although the artist is an Englishman that may be “ignorant” he is a citizen of the US. and giving suggestions as to how America can actually be “great again” 
  • Voices that racism should not be present but that compassion needs to brought into the culture more
  • Through the artists travels he has only been shown hospitality and warmth from this country (all over the continent) and that this attitude seems like common sense to him
  • Perhaps relating President Trump’s presidency to the King of England – saying we fought for freedom in The New World but now “the program” or our current government is not working towards a free and just society 
  • Hope is evoked toward the end saying “everyone can start again” meaning our country can be better and that people have a right to migrate here, start a new life and not be labeled as “illegal”
  • Also, there is a reminder to keep ourselves and our “oldest friends” accountable in their actions, saying to talk with others about how to be kinder and “better” – that is what will make America “great again” according to the artist 

Response to Singer’s Delivery 

  • Talk-singing 
  • Easy to understand / very clear language 
  • Articulate 
  • Male soloist flows well with a musical background 
  • As much as the music is consistent, the tone of the artist’s voice is also somewhat monotoned 

Overall Understanding of song

  • The repetitiveness of “make America great again” is being used to go against how the saying is usually used – for Trump’s campaign 


The Man by Taylor Swift (2019)

What does this song respond to?

  • This song is a response to gender issues within our society 
  • It speaks to the inequality in society’s treatment of differing genders – specifically the lack of respect for women due to the assumption that women are weak

What does this song offer? / What concerns do I have for it?

  • This song offers …
    • A powerful message to women that although men may be “naturally” given more respect when authoritative, still do not let your voice be weakened
  • Concerns… 
    • I feel as though I don’t have any concerns in potentially using this song 

Response to Music

  • Electric beat consistently throughout the song 
  • Not instrumental
  • Dream-like sounds 
  • Music is easy to dance to / move the head to 
  • Strong beats – sharp backbeats 
  • At one point the strong beats stop for some time to focus on lyrics 

Response to Lyrics

  • The lyrics take an annoyed tone – in response to how people treat the artist 
  • She is saying overall that people wouldn’t give her a hard time for being herself if she “was a man”
  • She is saying that if she were a man then not only would she be given more respect (generally) from others than she would be THE man – that people would like or love her more 
  • In the beginning, she is defining what kind of man she would be – “complex” and “cool”
    • That she would “play the field” with girls before committing to a relationship 
  • In “playing the field” that would socially be okay for her to do – because she would be “THE man”
  • She would be an “alpha” (take charge) and a “fearless leader”
  • She is basically saying that if she were to be herself as a man she would be seen as amazing and loved so much but through being herself as a woman, it is easy for people to criticize, judge and negatively comment about her 
  • She is making an argument that all the words that would be spoken about her as “the man” would only be positive and uplifting whereas her being herself as a woman has allowed for people to criticize her greatly 

Response to Singer’s Delivery

  • Articulate 
  • Sharing her message clearly 
  • Sings in a way that is infectious for her audience 
  • Makes it easy for others to sing along with her 
  • Anthem like when she sings “id be the man…yeah” 

Overall Understanding of song 

  • This song is taking a stance against sexism and the lack of respect that tends to be shown, women


Make America Great Again by frank turner – 2018

The Man by Taylor Swift – 2019

Sophia Terry