All Things Music, Social Justice, and Protest

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Brockhampton and the Musical Lineage of Socially Conscious Hip Hop

The topics covered and protested in Brockhampton’s “JUNKY” are not unique to the band or to the genre. Topics of homosexuality and drug addiction have been tackled through music long before the group started putting out music, but only more… Continue Reading →

Breaking down the lyrics to “JUNKY” – Fourth Listening

In my previous posts, I argued that “JUNKY”, though it takes on several different topics, overall critiques what it is like to be a young adult in todays American social and cultural climate. Additionally, the vocalists and their perspective discussions… Continue Reading →

“JUNKY” and BROCKHAMPTON Genre Bending

It would be irresponsible to assess or assign a genre to any individual Brockhampton song without having an understanding of the group’s overall design and category. The concept and frequency of genre bending or hybrid/cross genres, has become very popular… Continue Reading →

Second listen – “JUNKY”

JUNKY was released on August 15th, 2017–the tenth song on SATURATION II. The song tackles several social justice issues, with each of the vocalists featured in the song focusing on one specific topic. Though an eclectic collection of voices, sounds,… Continue Reading →


Despite my initial trepidation in selecting a BROCKHAMPTON song for this assignment, I have chosen “JUNKY” by BROCKHMAPTON to analyze and podcast about this semester, for the very reason I initially strayed away from it. Both the song and the… Continue Reading →

“Junky” by BROCKHAMPTON and “CANTU” by Aminé

“Junky” by BROCKHAMPTON “In “JUNKY,” the boy-band raps (and sings) about several inner demons that they face, including homophobia and confronting one’s own sexuality, drug abuse, wasted education, sexism, and suicidal thoughts. This song was the third single from SATURATION… Continue Reading →

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