Tupac Shakur – Trapped (1991) —-> Jay Z – Spiritual (2016) —-> Nipsey Hussle feat. Kendrick Lamar – Dedication (2018) —-> Meek Mill – Trauma (2018) What all these songs have in common is a fight for some sort of… Continue Reading →
In terms of musical genre, the song “Fuck Your Ethnicity” by Kendrick Lamar is part of the rap/hip-hop genre. The main thing that distincts it as a rap song is the lyrics or as most rappers call it “rapping” or… Continue Reading →
When “Fuck Your Ethnicity” first came out in 2011, there were still racial issues going on in the United States. In Kendrick’s hometown of Los Angeles (South Central Los Angeles also known as Compton to be exact), there was a… Continue Reading →
The song “No Church in the Wild” follows a lineage of songs dealing with themes of the authenticity of religion and power structures of people in the United States, and particularly how those structures impact the lives of African Americans…. Continue Reading →
Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Nina Simone, and Billie Holiday. These are just a few of the artist’s that are close to Lana Del Rey, literally. Del Rey has each of their names tattooed on her shoulders (Whitney & Amy on… Continue Reading →
The two lineages that “I Am Not My Hair” embodies are the right to self-expression and the sense of pride when it comes to black hair. I say songs like Lady Gaga’s “Hair,” Willow Smith’s” Whip My Hair,” and Bob… Continue Reading →
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