The experience of putting together my podcast has been very interesting, and going slightly smoother than I expected. As I continue to use Audacity, I see the ease of using the application as I become more acquainted and comfortable with its layout. The video tutorials especially helped in regard to splitting clips, editing audio, and equalizing audio levels. Although editing was a relatively smooth process, there were some road bumps that occurred, prompting me to reevaluate various aspects of my project.


Primarily, I have not included all of my sources yet and I am already at 12 minutes. I am not sure what to do about this – should I continue to add content and cut out other audio later or cut out audio that is less important that I have not added in yet? I am open to either option, and would even go above 12 minutes if needed.


Further, I wonder how I could make my podcast more exciting. I really loved the podcasts we have listened to in class so I would like to increase listener interest. Should I add in low background music throughout? I am open to any recommendations in this area!


Lastly, one final question I have is ways that I can allow the audio and my voice to flow better. I tried to lower audio into transitions to ease the flow, but I feel like it is not as effective in some areas.


Some of the things I like about my podcast so far: I really like the selection of interview segments and songs that I have for the podcast. Further, I think that I have effectively edited my voice clips to sound much better than their original versions. When I first began compiling my podcast, the outside audio was much louder than my voice recordings. I also really like the ending clips where I mash together the various performances of Johnson singing “My Mind is For Sale,” as well as the ending transitions and flow from audio to voice recording. Lastly, I think that I begin and end my podcast well – the ending seems to tie it all together, rather than ending abruptly.


